The dominant form of gypsum in the soil is the juicy calcium sulfate (CaSO4,2H2O), and the waterless form is rarely seen. If the amount of gypsum in the soil exceeds 2%, it shows itself as white particles. Gypsum is one of the cheap remedies that plays an important role in improving the physico-chemical properties of the soil. Due to the relatively good gypsum solubility, the calcium and sulfur elements are easily placed in the root of the plant. Calcium ion is very important in pistachio nourishment and product quality. The hardness of the hard shell, when cooking, depends on the calcium ion strength.
Calculation of the required plaster for pistachio gardens for soil reform:
In order to calculate the amount of gypsum required, the relevant soil analysis (cation exchange capacity (CEC) and sodium exchange rate (ESP) in the root zone (up to 1 meter depth) in irrigation area is essential. Example: If your soil has a cation exchange capacity of 18 (CEC) mA per 100 g soil and a 26% exchangeable sodium salt (ESP), and we want to reduce the exchangeable sodium percentage to such a soil, then 16% of the calcium exchangeable sodium To be replaced. To replace each milliequivalent sodium with calcium to a depth of one meter of soil, 14 tons of pure plaster per hectare is required. Sodium # 167 # 418 mg Aux Valant per 100 g of soil = 88.2 MAC NaOH per 100 g of soil should be replaced with calcium. 14 tons of gypsum # 4 2/88 milliequivalents of sodium = 40 tons of pure gypsum per hectare If the irrigation area is 50% of the total area of the garden, the amount of gypsum will be required to be 20 tons per hectare. If the percentage of gypsum is 50%, the amount of gypsum will be 40 tons per hectare.
Gucci (calcium sulfate) has two common nutrients: calcium and sulfur
- Plaster improves and strengthens the soil structure
- Gypsum is used to correct sodium soils
- Gypsum is used to modify clay soils and have a dense layer
- Plaster reduces the pH of sodium soils
- Rinsing on extra soil is easier and less possible with irrigation water.
- Plaster increases the stability of organic matter in the soil
- The use of plaster corrects calcium to magnesium in favor of calcium
- The use of gypsum shortens the length of time after irrigation can plow the ground.
- The use of plaster increases the efficiency of irrigation water
Gucci helps to absorb nutrients by the plant
Gatches reduce the toxicity of heavy metal elements
- Gypsum increases the quality of fruit and prevents some plant diseases
Received from the Journal of Gypsum Application in Agricultural Research Institute of Pistachio
-Gitch reduces the bulk density of the soil
- Glycol decreases the toxic effect of sodium chloride
-Gut is able to reduce the pH of the rhizosphere
- The loss of nitrogen fertilizers and nitrogen into the air decreases
- Reduces the rate of erosion and runoff production in sloping areas
- Plaster prevents the formation of flood conditions in the soil
- Gypsum prevents soil erosion after plowing and deep penetration of irrigation water increases.
- With the addition of plaster to soils where machinery passes or light winds raise the dust and dust from their surface, the amount of dusty dust from the surface of the land is significantly reduced.
- Reduces the expansion and contraction of clumps of montmorillonite and vermiculite (expandable).
Received from the Journal of Gypsum Application in Agricultural Research Institute of Pistachio
To disperse the silica from the gypsum particles it is enough to heat the sample. The gypsum particles are disintegrated in the form of white powder after getting hot and hot. Silica particles do not change shape at normal temperatures and below 400-500 degrees Celsius.
A way to disassociate calcium carbonate or lime from calcium sulfate or gypsum.
One of the impurities in agricultural gypsum mines found in most areas of the Buffer is lime. The use of sulfuric acid is used to diagnose and estimate the amount of lime in the plaster mine. Lime and total carbonates, including calcium carbonate (calcite), magnesium carbonate and double calcium-magnesium carbonate (dolomite) are the only acids that react with acid. Other salts, for example, do not react with acid, for example, sulfates including juicer calcium sulfate (gypsumite) and chlorine, such as sodium chloride (salt or halite) and the like. This is why when a sulfuric acid or any other acid is added to the gypsum sample, if there is lime and carbonates, a great boil is made and the sample is foamed. This boil and reaction continues as long as all carbonate salts are neutralized. The generated carbon dioxide gas bubbles are generated by the neutralization of lime in the sample. A good gypsum sample is an example that does not result in the addition of acid to bubble. Respondent Question: Why are carbonate salts reacted with acid, but other salts, such as chloroform sulfate, and ... do not react with acid and are neutral to acid? Please check books and resources related to chemistry. The purpose of the question is to compel and put friends in the path of thinking and study. I wish that we would spend a little time studying and discussing issues, rather than having the whole day thinking of money and wealth all day and night. The aim is not to understand the answer to the question. It promotes the culture of thinking. If one day goes on about three to four of the issues that are happening around us, we'll go along with it and start scrutinizing it. This culture is transmitted to our children and other people around us.